Mammillaria grahamii




Sun Exposure:



Growth Habits:

Mammillaria grahamii is protected in Arizona.

Blooming Habits:
Large, pink, 1.5 inches in diameter (4 cm) flowers in late spring, early summer.

Mammillaria microcarpa v. grahamii, Mammillaria marnierana, Mammillaria olivae, Mammillaria pseudoalamoensis

Full sun

California to Texas, northwestern Mexico

Mounds of globular heads, up to 6 inches tall (15 cm), 3 inches in diameter (8 cm)

Cylindrical or globus, to 6 cm around with small tubercles and naked Axils. Violet or purple flowers sometimes with white edges. Native to desert grasslands of Chihuahua and Arizona. Valued by shamans who use this plant in special ceremonies. The fruit of this plant also possesses magical effects.

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.
